Monday, July 24, 2006

1.25. My Ultimate 'DGBN-Gap-Hegel's Hotel' Dream
(Email To My Dad)

-- DGBN, June 25th, 2006.

Hi Dad,
In my ultimate dream, one day I’d like to see Hegel’s Hotel: The DGBN-Gap Integrative Philosophy-Psychology Museum go up in Toronto or somewhere in the GTA. There would be sleeping quarters upstairs for guests. Down below you would have a philosophy museum divided into different floors, with different specialty sections and rooms on each floor. The philosophy floor would take up the bottom floor of the 'hotel-museum-gallery' providing the foundation for every subject area delving into other different areas of human culture and evolution such as: 2nd Floor: Psychology; Third floor: Politics; Fourth Floor: Business and Economics: Fifth Floor: Law; Sixth Floor: Science and Medicine: Seventh Floor: Religion and Spirituality; Eighth Floor: The Arts; Ninth Floor: Sports, Recreation, Leisure, and Hobbies; Tenth Floor: Gap Multi-Dialectical, Evolving, Wholistic, Integrative Philosophy-Psychology-Politics-...Culture. Here is what the first Philosophy Floor might look like:
  1. The Ancient Greek Philosophy Section consisting of: a) Anaximander’s Room; b) Heraclitus’ Room; c) The Sophists’ Room; d) Socrates Room; e) Plato’s Room; and f) Aristotle’s Room; and others….
  2. The Eastern Philosophy Section consisting of: a) The Han Philosophers’ Room; and others…
  3. The Scholastic (Religious) Philosophy Section consisting of: a) St. Augustine’s Room; b) St. Aquinis’ Room; and others.
  4. The (Science and Mathematics) Enlightenment Philosophy Section consisting of: a) Descartes’ Room; b) Spinoza’s Room; c) Diderot’s Room; d) Voltaire’s Room; e) Tom Paine’s Room; and others…
  5. The German Idealistic and Romantic Philosophy Section consisting of: a) Kant’s Room; b) Schelling’s Room; c) Fichte’s Room; d) Hegel’s Room; e) Schopenhauer’s Room; and others…
  6. The British Utilitarian and American Pragmatic Philosophy Section consisting of: a) John Stuart Mill’s Room; b) Bertrand Russell’s Room; c) Williams James’ Room; d) John Dewey’s Room; and others…
  7. The Political Philosophy Section consisting of: a) Plato’s Room; b) Locke’s Room; c) Adam Smith’s Room; d) Marx’s Room; and others…
  8. The Humanistic-Existential Philosophy Section;
  9. The Structuralist Philosophy Section;
  10. The Deconstructionist Section;
  11. The Gap Multi-Dialectical Philosophy Section.

    Although I will probably never see this ultimate dream fulfilled in my lifetime, it is still within my reasonable capability to lay out the metaphorical ‘architecture’ to this hotel in the present work that I am doing….Dave

    *DGBN, June 25th, 2006.

*David Gordon Bain
*Dialectical Gap-Bridging Negotiations
*Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism

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