Saturday, July 29, 2006

1.23. A Critical Distinction Between Two Very Different Types Of Dialectics: Narcissistic-Righteous-Either/Or Dialectics vs. Creative-Multi-Integrative Dialectics
DGBN, July 30th, 2006

Both the content and the process of Gap-DGB Psychology are steeped strongly in Hegelian Dialectic Philosophy (G.W. Hegel, German idealistic philosopher, 1770-1831, one of the most powerful, influential thinkers of the 19th century) Dialectical theory is a theory of polarities influencing each other — a theory of how opposing ideas and energies can either attract and/or clash -- come together either aggressively, even violently and/or in a more peaceful, harmonious, diplomatic, democratic fashion -- either/or -- in a 'will to power' and/or in a 'will to negotiate and compromise' -- but either way, still ultimately coming together in a dynamic synergetic fashion (integration, union, synthesis). This brings us to the critically important 'will to power dialectic' vs. the 'will to negotiate dialectic' (WTPD vs. WTND) -- the difference between husbands and wives, parents and children, Israelis and Arabs, trying to essentially destroy each other (or each other's point of view) vs. them trying to diplomatically, democratically, peacefully, come to a working compromise in their difference of opinions.

Need I emphasize the importance of how different these two types of dialectics are, particularly in their consequences -- and how going down one dialectic path is the path of human dialectic evolution, whereas going down the other path is the path of human dialectic destruction.

What we are talking about here is essentially the ongoing dialectic between civil and uncivil man. Man is both dialectically civil and uncivl, creative and destructive, narcissistic and altruistic, evolving and self-destructing -- all at the same time.

There is no Hegelian Determinism here -- not in Gap Post-Hegelian Dialectic Philosophy. The future is not at all certain. It is only to be determined by man -- and we can just as easily find Hell as Heaven. Finding 'The Hegelian Absolute', 'Finding God' through 'dialectical evolution' is no guaranteed predestiny. A nuclear holaucaust could be just as easily our self-made destiny -- not through dialectical evolution but rather through dialectical self-destruciton. Each and everyone of us -- both personally and collectively -- have choices, and it is those choices that will determine our personal and collective destiny. If we choose in either our personal and/or our collective stupidity -- to race towards Ecstasy, to race towards Crack/Cocaine, to race on our highways, to race towards chronic and/or acute alchoholic toxicity, to race towards polluting our environment and our body, to race towards cancer, to race towards creating new viruses in our laboratories and new weapons of mass destruction, to race towards killing each other in our cities, and across oceans, to race towards war -- it won't be through any form of 'dialectical human evoluton' that we meet our Maker, our Creator. It will be through our dialectical self-destruction. And if I was God, and man was supposedly my most esteemed Creation -- I would not be proud.

*DGBN, July 31st, 2006.
*David Gordon Bain
*Dialectical Gap-Bridging Negotiations
*Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism

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